      Since its establishment in 2000, Zhongguancun Life Science Park has been focusing on the needs of subjects for innovation and entrepreneurship, constantly making innovation in service models, making up for deficiencies in services, and extending service chains. After 20 years of development, it has initially formed a professional technology service system integrating innovative incubation, industrial services, generic technical services, technology financial services, IPR protection and technology forums.
      In order to implement the requirements of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, that is, to strengthen in-depth integration of industry, universities and research institutions led by enterprises, intensify goal orientation, improve the level of transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological results, reinforce the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, play the leading and supporting role of key technology-based enterprises, create a good environment conducive to the growth of micro, small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises, and promote the in-depth integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, Zhongguancun Life Science Park has continuously improved its business level and capabilities in result transformation, innovation incubation, financial services and generic technical services.
Colleges and universities at home
Tsinghua University
Peking University
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing Normal University
Peking Union Medical College
Colleges and universities abroad
Imperial College London
Harvard University
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford