A Glimpse of Zhongguancun Life Science Park
Zhongguancun Life Science Park, as an important support for the main platform of Beijing International Technology Innovation Center” consisting of Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City, Changping Future Science City as well as Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, is a highland for the development of pharmaceutical and health industry that integrates four state-level functional zones, that is, Zhongguancun Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for the Expansion and Opening-up of the Service Industry, Free Trade Pilot Zone, and the core area of high-level talents in Beijing. After 20 years of development, the Park has attracted multiple state-level research and development institutions to have their presence here, brought together a group of globally top scientists and hundreds of high-level talents. There are more than 600 innovative pharmaceutical enterprises and over 300 high-end talents, including 21 academicians, 4 scholars supported by the Cheung Kong Scholars Programme, 50+ personnel entitled to special allowance from the State Council, 7 academician workstations, 20+ post-doctoral research centers, 10+ national engineering research centers and key laboratories, 16 R&D centers at provincial and ministerial level, and nearly 3,000 sickbeds in the medical institutions, thus forming the trend of bringing together the whole industry chain including basic research, R&D pilot test, production and circulation, and terminal healthcare. It has been built into one of the parks with the most concentrated innovation resources in the field of life science in China, which is an innovation engine for the development of the pharmaceutical and health industry in Beijing.
300 +
High-end talents
600 +
Innovative pharmaceutical enterprises
7 +
Academician workstations
21 +
Post-doctoral research centers
10 +
Academician workstations
R&D centers at provincial and ministerial level
Beijing Zhongguancun Life Science Park Biomedicine Technology Incubation Co., Ltd. is a professional incubator specializing in the field of biomedicine. Since its establishment, it has received dozens of licensing and qualifications granted by the government. In addition, it undertakes work related to Overseas Students Pioneer Park at Beijing Zhongguancun Life Science Park and the IPR Public Service Workstation at Changping District Life Science Park, offering incubation service for more than 140 well-known startup companies in the industry, such as BeiGene, Crown Bioscience, BerryGenomics, Novogene, Sironax, Biocytogen, MyGenostics, etc.
The international incubator ATLATL, a high-end platform for the acceleration of innovation projects, which aligns with the standards of top international biopharmaceutical R&D centers, initiated by Dr. Zhu Pengcheng, focusing on key subdivisions and emerging technology fields such as cell and gene therapy, miRNA, gene editing and synthetic biology. By introducing professional research teams, it aims to build a base for double transformation in international cooperation on cutting-edge technology and the industrialization of R&D results. Recently, ATLATL, together with SEQUANTA, has set up a sequencing center to better serve customers and contribute to more unicorn companies in Beijing.
Bio2, built and officially put into operation in 2021, focusing on the needs of scientists and entrepreneurs, puts emphasis on the transformation of early results in life and health and business incubation. Relying on the combined advantages of “professional carrier platform + abundant funding channels + active interactive information base”, Bio2 provides start-up teams with ready-to-use shared office space and professional shared experimental sites. At present, nearly 30 potential projects with global leading technologies have been reserved, and 44 innovation-oriented enterprises such as Sironax, Neural Galaxy, Shuimu Biosciences, Pulmongene Ltd., and Simcere have settled here.
Changping Life Valley Marathon Digital Medical Incubator is China’s first digital medical business incubator jointly initiated by BC-TID, Zhongguancun Life Science Park and Marathon Venture Partners. With the vision of making investment for accelerating the new generation of digital medical entrepreneurs and promoting global digital medical industry-university-research innovation, the incubator will focus on the development direction of digital healthcare and smart healthcare, such as AI healthcare, medical robot, genomics, digital therapy, insurance technology, committed to making full cooperation with the world’s top parks, medical centers, scientific research institutions and other ecological partners.
9月25日,中关村生命科学园内科研机构 昌平实验室 、北京大学邓宏魁团队、天津市第一中心医院沈中阳、王树森团队和杭州瑞普晨创科技有限公司合作在 Cell 发表题为 Transplantation of Chemically Induced Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Islet Under Abdominal Anterior Rectus Sheath in a ...
再续欢乐,2024嘉年华圆满落幕!Carnival of Bio & Art 2024嘉年华,后会有期!
9月20日,Carnival of Bio & Art 2024中关村生命科学园嘉年华在乍起的秋风与绚丽的晚霞辉映下,在音乐、美食、欢乐和不舍中圆满落幕!本届嘉年华活动由中关村生命科学园和昌发展集团共同主办,未来科学城管委会(生命科学园管委会)指导,史各庄街道办事处大力支持。 预计阅读时间:8分钟 点击视频观看精彩 瞬间 这是中关村生命科学园的第二届嘉年华活动,不仅沿袭了首届嘉年华活动的欢乐主题,...
近日, 《昌平区加快高新技术企业培育发展支持办法》2024年政策兑现拟支持企业名单公示,公示期限为:2024年9月23日至2024年10月1日。 其中 。 预计阅读时间:2分钟 公示期内,如有异议请以书面形式向昌平区科学技术委员会反映情况。所反映情况要客观真实,并提供相关证据材料。以单位名义反映情况的材料须法定代表人签字并加盖公章,以个人名义反映情况的材料须署实名并提供有效联系方式。所有材料扫描为...